Cheltenhams Intimate Waxing Specialists


Cheltenhams Intimate Waxing Specialists *

Want to add on other areas with your Intimate Wax? Options and pricing are below - if it’s not listed then please just ask

FEMALE Upper Body Add Ons (we use Hot Wax for delicate areas and Strip Wax for larger areas)




FULL TUMMY (Breast Bone to Bikini Line) £25 *


SNAIL TRAIL (Tummy Button to Bikini Line) £15

FULL ARMS (inc Hands & Fingers) £40 *


FULL UPPER BODY (Belly button up!) £120 *

FEMALE Lower Body Add Ons (we use Hot Wax for delicate areas and Strip Wax for larger areas)

FULL BUTTOCKS (not including ass crack) £15 *


FULL THIGHS - Front & Back & Inner (not a full 1/2 leg) £25 *

1/2 Leg (Upper inc thighs and knees, Lower inc knees and feet) £30 *

FULL LEGS (inc feet/toes) £50 *

* We use our fabulous Rose strip wax for larger body areas

Female Facial (we use Hot Wax only for the face)

(We do not recommend any facial waxing for the first time before a big event)

FULL-FACE Forehead to Throat, Inc.’ Brows & Nostrils £60

HALF-FACE Fluffy bits where your mask used to sit? £40




If it’s not listed, just pop us a message!

You can also book these areas as stand-alone waxing although pricing may differ slightly - just hop onto our booking system for all options

Any hair, anywhere. Don’t be shy! We wax hundreds of women monthly. A r

egular waxing routine will soften hair growth and regular waxers often find the repeated action of ripping hair will damage follicles and reduce growth cycles!

Teen Waxing Cheltenham

Growing up is tough!

If you’re happy hairy, great! There’s absolutely nothing wrong with body hair. However, if you have a daughter who’s self-conscious of her newfound fluffiness, we are able to help*

We wax under 16’s with parental consent / No Intimate Waxing under 18 years old, AND if you’re under 18 we offer a 20% discount on all pricing - just quote TEEN when booking for your discount to be applied

Got Questions? Most of them should be answered here! Keep Scrolling!

Waxing FAQ's

WAXING - Isn’t ALL wax ‘Hot Wax’?

Umm nope. Just so you know (as there is a huge amount of confusion about this!) HOT WAX is a 'peelable' non-sticky type of wax that cools and 'sets' on contact with the skin, contracting around the hair, rather than just sticking to everything it touches, and it is NOT removed with fabric or paper strips. There is no sticky residue left behind. Clients find it much less painful than strip/warm waxing for those delicate intimate, underarm, and facial areas. Due to the low heat and the fact the wax does not stick to the skin, there is much less discomfort for the client, and minimal redness or irritation. It's perfect for those who have super sensitive skin, heat sensitivity, or problems with ingrowing hairs. What wax do we use? Our own blend. If you’re looking for a ‘Lycon Wax’ (a very well-marketed brand!) we can GUARANTEE that you will be happy with your results! We can wax you top to toe, whatever your body/skin or hair type - our motto is ‘any hair, anywhere! (Intimate Waxing is our absolute specialty and we have been trained by the QUEEN of waxing - Kin Lawless) If you’re looking for a specialist in intimate hair removal then we are your girls!

 If you're a Wax Virgin, super sensitive, or just plain nervous after experiencing a 'bad wax' then please come and give Tivoli HotWax a try. We aim to provide a relaxed, private, non-judgmental environment. Whatever your hairiness, size, or shape you can guarantee we have 'seen it all before’ and there is no need for any embarrassment. 

Our focus is not only on a comfortable wax, we are sticklers for hygiene too - we don't 'double dip' wax spatulas, we wear new latex-free gloves for every service, and the work area, wax pots, and the studio are spotless and sanitised between every client. Please be assured that client safety and hygiene have always been an absolute priority at Tivoli HotWax. 

What you need to know - Waxing is a fantastic way of removing your unwanted hair and is suitable for ALL skin and hair types. However, there are some reasons why (and when) you shouldn’t be waxed (contraindications - you will be required to fill in a consultation card online when booking) and, if you’re a waxing newbie, make sure you give the FAQs below a really good read before booking your first appointment!

Waxing underarm with our amazing Hot Wax


Will it Hurt?

Let’s be honest, anyone who is advertising a pain-FREE wax is lying! If your hair is being ripped out, you will experience some discomfort as we have nerve endings near our hair follicles. Whether it’s Waxing, or Laser, our aim is to minimise ANY discomfort, and provide a pain LESS experience. Whether physical or mental! We have invested heavily in training, and we use the most amazing waxes. Body confidence really is our thing! We have Waxed and Lasered thousands of bodies (and ourselves) we know how it feels! We can guarantee that if you invest in treatment with Tivoli HotWax & Laser, you will leave saying it’s really not that bad (and the results are SO worth it!)

I’m embarrassed. What if I’m too big, hairy, saggy, etc?

Nope, nope and nope! SURPRISE! WE ALL HAVE HAIR! There is absolutely nothing to fear, we have sturdy, comfortable treatment couches. We position you in the best way to get to all of your hair, in minimal time with the least discomfort. There is no such thing as too hairy! We all have hair, some more obvious than others, and waxing and laser can help reduce/eradicate hair growth. We pride ourselves on making clients feel as comfortable as possible. There is absolutely no body shaming at Tivoli HotWax. We treat ladies of all shapes, sizes, and hairiness. Nothing we haven’t seen before. Please don’t be shy!

Will anything prevent me from being Waxed?

Yes. These are known as 'Contraindications'. You will be asked to fill in a 'consultation form' on the booking system, prior to appointment, and you MUST advise us if anything changes. If you have a skin condition like eczema or psoriasis, getting treatment is not always going to be a good idea (or we can treat around affected areas) Likewise if you have acne meds, or are taking medication that thins the skin then you MUST check with your GP first and advise us of ANY current meds, or any taken in the last few months. If you have a fungal or viral infection (ie molluscum or warts) we are unable to treat you. If you have sensitive skin then you may experience a Histamine reaction. We require all clients to be over the age of 18 for an 'intimate treatment' but are able to wax/laser younger clients elsewhere with parental consent.

Do I need to do anything before my treatment?

Please exfoliate and moisturise the areas to be waxed thoroughly the day before. Ideally, you should exfoliate your skin regularly to keep it clear of dead skin cells. Do not moisturise the day of your wax treatment. Please come clean and fresh, with NO make-up or deodorant in the areas we are waxing.

How often will I need to be Waxed? 

Everyone is different, although a 4 / 6 week period between waxing treatments is the average and will help you maintain longer-lasting results. If you are new to waxing please expect regrowth - it will take a few waxes to achieve the best and longer-lasting hair-free results. We will always try to manage your expectations and talk you through the hair growth cycles.

How long does the hair need to be?

If you are a shaver then you need to allow a minimum of 2 weeks since your last shave. If the hair is too short, it won't come out, and you may have a further growth phase under the skin. You have to grit your teeth and let it grow! It needs to be approximately 12mm (a grain of rice) for the best results.  Do not trim your hair before a wax. We usually recommend 4-6 weeks between waxing treatments.

What are 'Ingrowing Hairs'

Hair becomes ingrown when the follicle gets blocked and the hair curls back into the skin. This can lead to sore, infected bumps, especially if you’re a picker! All physical hair removal - waxing/shaving/plucking can lead to ingrown hairs. And unfortunately, some of us suffer more than others. The best way to avoid is to 'exfoliate exfoliate exfoliate!' which keeps the follicles clear from dead skin, using our amazing natural dry sugar scrub, drinking lots of water, and moisturising daily. This will keep your skin supple and help prevent them. If you suffer from ingrown hairs, Laser may be a great option as there will be reduced regrowth.

I have hair growth sooner than I expected?

If you are new to waxing, are a regular shaver, shave between appointments, don't wax at advised times, or don't follow pre-wax advice or aftercare, then it’s likely that you will not achieve super smooth results! Hair grows at different rates and may not all come through the skin at the same time, it is likely that for your first few waxes there will be hairs under the skin that the wax is obviously unable to 'pick up' or some hairs are just too short. Make sure you exfoliate well before your wax too. Laser Hair Removal will be a fabulous option as there will be no regrowth once the follicles have been destroyed!

We are VERY thorough and always check and double-check your waxed areas and will advise you if any hairs are too short or if you are in between growth cycles, however, if you are unhappy with your wax then please advise us within 24 hours and we will always ask you back to re-check the results.

I’ve got a Willy, can you Intimately Wax (or Laser) me?

Unfortunately no, we are not trained in waxing male genitalia and are therefore uninsured to Intimately wax, or laser, people with willies.

Can I be Waxed on my period?

 Yes. No problem at all. Please wear a tampon/Moon Cup.

Can I be Waxed whilst pregnant?

Yes. If you’re new to waxing, then we would advise waiting until after your first trimester. Being freshly waxed can make things a bit cleaner whilst giving birth! Then post-baby once you have healed - after your 6-week check. You should wait at least 6 months before waxing over a C-section or Episiotomy scarring.

I’m getting married, going on holiday, attending a big event (etc) when should I be Waxed?

If you are new to Waxing then it’s really not a good idea to be waxed for the first time, right before a big event. We would advise making waxing part of your wedding/holiday prep, and having a few waxes before the big day. We advise 5/6 weeks between waxes. If you’re unsure then please pop us a message. The last thing you want is spots or irritation spoiling the big day! You may experience some skin irritation post-wax and ideally, you want to wait until everything settles down before you’re exposed to long plane journeys (or sunshine) We always advise a few waxes before your holidays (or any special occasions) in case of any irritation, AND you will get better, longer-lasting results with every wax. If you are looking to be spray tanned (or use self-tan) post-wax, you need to wait until any irritation has subsided and your follicles have closed - this is usually a minimum of 3 days.

What should I wear?

Please come in clean, loose clothes - If you are having an intimate treatment, you will be asked to remove ALL of your clothing from the waist down. If you are being intimately Waxed then we will treat you without your knickers on. You may feel more comfortable wearing a long t-shirt for your treatment. We recommend fresh clean cotton knickers and loose clothing for you to put on post-treatment (not your skin-tight jeans or sweaty yoga leggings!)  

Can I bring a friend?

This is a non-spectator sport! We do not allow pets, children, friends, or partners (or your mum - unless you’re under 18!) in the room whilst you are being treated. There is very hot wax and dangerous laser equipment. Completely unsuitable for kids or pets. There is an inside (and outside) waiting area for clients, however, children cannot be left unaccompanied. There are some lovely cafes in The Courtyard right outside where a friend/partner could wait with children and Montpellier Park is very close by.

We do not allow photos/filming of your treatment (unless agreed prior) however we love being tagged in your pre/post-treatment piccies on Instagram.

Covid 19 / Sickness Etiquette 

If you are poorly then please wear a mask. If you are poorly we may ask you to wear a mask! We are happy to wear a mask should you wish. All clients will be expected to be clean and fresh. There is a toilet where you can freshen up. We are an ‘Appointment Only’ clinic and do not have ‘walk-in’ availability.

Pre and Post Waxing Aftercare Advice

Please make sure you follow these guidelines to ensure your skin is cared for properly.

Please note: some tenderness, small bumps/bloodspots, and redness are common, and perfectly normal temporary reactions. You may experience a histamine reaction post-wax. If you have whiteheads post-wax this is usually caused by bacteria in your follicles/open pores - don’t touch your skin post-wax! Any symptoms should subside over the next 24-48 hours. If you experience persistent redness or irritation, or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us, or your GP.

Please come clean and deodorant/product/Make-up free - If you are having an intimate wax, bring clean cotton knickers, and if having facial waxing make sure you come with a clean face with no makeup.

Keep the waxed area clean, DO NOT TOUCH with unwashed hands or pick at your skin, and avoid sweating, heat, and friction during the next 24-48 hours. Use clean towels, bedding, clothing, and sleepwear/underwear.

Additionally - for a MINIMUM of 48 hours - especially if you have irritation

• No hot baths or showers (lukewarm water only)

• No saunas, hot tubs, or steam treatments

• No tanning (sunbathing, sunbeds, or fake tans)

•  Excessive sweating - NO sport, gym work, or ANY other sweaty exercise!

• No touching the waxed area with unwashed anything! Sex is fine but please, BOTH shower first

• Do not apply deodorants, body sprays, powders, lotions, or any other products to the area (other than those advised by us)

• Wear clean, loose-fitting clothes, cotton knickers, and clean face masks

• No swimming in chlorinated pools

To soothe and protect the skin, you can apply an antiseptic cream, Sudocrem, or Aloe Vera to the area. Avoid perfumed products.  Always wash your hands before applying any product.

To prevent ingrown hairs, starting a few days after your appointment, gently scrub the skin 3 times a week in the bath or shower using our fantastic SCRUBBLE and make sure you moisturise daily – this helps keep the skin supple and allows new hairs to grow through normally. Our wonderful WHIP is a fabulous skin-improving melting body balm that contains Rose Absolute to help your skin heal.

Tivoli HotWax is on a mission

If you’re happy hairy, great. But if your hair bothers you, we can help!

We have waxed (and lasered) thousands of women.

Believe us when we say there is NOTHING we haven’t seen before. We are specialists in pregnancy waxing, waxing women of all shapes, sizes, and hairiness. We just love getting those hairy bodies smooth. There is nothing to be scared, shy, or nervous about. We promise!

womens waxing
summer waxing
pregnancy waxing